Unpublished working papers

« Le temps comme ressource : Étude de l’emploi du temps des Français en situation de pauvreté », Bouhia, R., Garrouste, M., Leduc, A., Ricroch, L., and de Saint Pol, T., CREST Working Papers, INSEE, no 2009-20, 2009
In this paper, we study the schedule of poor people in France. The analysis uses data from time-use survey conducted by the French Institute for Statistics (INSEE) in 1999. It gives information on activities practiced by the individuals every ten minutes during one day.Using the Ordinary Least Squares method we show that poverty has different effects on time spent doing activities according to sex and age. We emphasize the existence of selection effect in addition to time effect using a Generalized Probit model, which gives moreover the advantage of taking censured data into account. We then focus on days organization of the poor. We use Optimal Matching Analysis to account for the sequential nature of the data set. This method provides ten types of schedule for the poor. We conclude that poor people use their time in order to offset their monetary disadvantage but that they face external constraints in the way they can organize their days.